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Punjab Police busts trans-border narcotic network; three held, 8 kg heroin seized

IANS | Updated on Tuesday, June 11, 2024 18:39 PM IST

CHANDIGARH: Punjab Police busted a trans-border narcotic smuggling network with the arrest of three smugglers and recovered 8 kg heroin from their possession, Director General of Police (DGP), Gaurav Yadav, said here on Tuesday.

Those arrested have been identified as Gursahib Singh, Sajan Singh and Satnam Singh, all residents of Amritsar District.

Apart from the drugs, police also recovered one .30 bore pistol and 26 cartridges from their possession and impounded a car and a motorcycle.

DGP Yadav said Counter Intelligence, Amritsar received inputs that some drug smugglers had retrieved a huge consignment of heroin dropped via drone at the Indo-Pakistan border that falls near Dharamkot Pattan Village.

Police were told that the smugglers intend to further deliver the drugs to supplier Satnam Singh near Kot Khalsa opposite Khalsa College in Amritsar.

Acting swiftly, the police team led by Deputy Superintendent of Police, Balbir Singh, laid a special checkpoint at Adda Khusro Tahli and apprehended Gursahib and Sajan, when they were travelling on their motorcycle and recovered 7.5 kg heroin and 16 cartridges from their possession.

He said later the police laid a trap and arrested drug supplier Satnam Singh from Kot Khalsa and recovered 500 grams of heroin and one .30 bore pistol along with 10 cartridges from his possession and impounded his car.

The DGP said as per preliminary investigations, the accused were directly in touch with the Pakistan-based drug smuggler and were supplying heroin across the state after importing it from Pakistan.

The probe has also revealed that the Pakistan-based drug smuggler used drones to deliver the consignment.

Further investigation is going on to unearth linkages to reveal the entire network.


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Revenue : लीगल मेट्रोलॉजी विंग द्वारा लीगल मेट्रोलॉजी अधिनियम, 2009 के उल्लंघनकर्ताओं से 21 करोड़ रुपए से अधिक का जुर्माना एकत्रित

डॉ. अंबेडकर की दार्शनिक विरासत समानता और समावेशी समाज के निर्माण के लिए महत्वपूर्ण: हरभजन सिंह ई.टी.ओ.

Social justice : डॉ. अंबेडकर की दार्शनिक विरासत समानता और समावेशी समाज के निर्माण के लिए महत्वपूर्ण: हरभजन सिंह ई.टी.ओ.