CHANDIGARH: The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) during its ongoing campaign against corruption in the state has registered a corruption case against Sub-Inspector (SI) of Police Inderjit Singh, posted as SHO at police station Bhadson, district Patiala and his colleague Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Amarjit Singh for demanding and accepting a bribe of Rs 50000.
Disclosing this here today an official spokesperson of the state VB said this case was registered after verification of a complaint lodged against both the above mentioned police officials by complainant Harman Singh on the Chief Minister's Anti Corruption Action Line.
He further informed that the complainant has alleged in his complaint that a case was registered against him and others at police station Bhadson and above said SHO and ASI had already taken illegal gratification of Rs 50,000 for helping the accused with regard to their case. He further informed that now both the Police officials have been demanding rupees 35000 more from complainant for cancellation of above said FIR as both parties had struck a compromise.
The spokesperson added that during verification, the allegations levelled in the said complaint have been found correct and true and allegations of demanding Rs 35000 and taking Rs 50000 bribe has been proved.
He further informed that on the basis of this investigation, a case under prevention of corruption act has been registered against the above said SHO and ASI at VB police station Patiala range. Further investigation into this case was under progress.