CHANDIGARH: The Enforcement Directorate (ED) today arrested working president of PPCC and former minister Bharat Bbushan Ashu in tender allotment scam earlier exposed by Punjab Vigilance Department. He remained in VB custody before ED took over investigation.
Bharat Bhushan Ashu was summoned for investigation today morning and questioned about his role in the tender allotment scam related to transportation of grains from mandis. VB had found that food grains were transported in vehicles bearing registration numbers of scooters. Ashu was named accused by VB and beneficiary of funds over Rs.2 crores were syphoned through fake bills.
Ashu was arrested by Vigilance Department on August 22, 2023. He was picked from a Saloon where he had gone for hair cut. He was food and supply minister in the Captain Amarinder Singh government. He was elected from Ludhiana west constituency.